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Application of potassium persu...

Application of potassium persulfate in aquaculture
Application of potassium persulfate in aquaculture
Application of potassium persulfate in aquaculture
Traffic : 502
Edit time : 2020-09-18

Application of potassium persulfate in aquaculture

One, about potassium persulfate

A potassium hydrogen sulfate can generate oxidizing reaction with water unstable ozone (O3), ozone moment is decomposed into oxygen (O2) and atoms (O), the so-called new ecological oxygen, oxygen atoms with high energy, exterminate and inhibiting bacteria, the effect of disease, and the reaction process does not produce harmful substances, generates can also play a role of increasing oxygen, oxygen is the most widely used in aquaculture products.

Second, the effect of potassium persulfate on aquaculture water

1. Detoxification

Used as an antidote for high ammonia nitrogen and heavy metals (copper, iron, etc.). When the content of ammonia nitrogen in water is high, it will inhibit fish to expel their own ammonia nitrogen out of the body, and the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in fish blood will gradually increase. Ammonia is a toxic, permeable compound that kills fish when blood concentrations exceed 1%. Potassium persulfate compound salt can degrade ammonia nitrogen in water rapidly and control ammonia nitrogen at a certain level, thus protecting fish. For the toxins produced after the death of algae, the potassium persulfate compound salt can also be used to quickly detoxify.

2. Reduce stress response

Reduce the fish stress response caused by weather change, sudden change of water temperature, overcast and rainy days.

3, can run water, improve water energy

When applied, the water is changed to a highly dissolved oxygen state. More oxygen enters the water body, thus making the water more active. Harmful gases in the water diffuse into the air.

4. Improve the dissolved oxygen in the pond

It can be used for first aid when fish are deprived of oxygen. After application, a large amount of foam gas can be decomposed, and dissolved oxygen will be increased immediately.

5. Remove water oil film

The oil film produced by the aging of pond water will cover the surface of the pond, and the oil film can be decomposed rapidly after the application of potassium persulfate.

6. Clean water and change the bottom

The application of potassium persulfate can effectively flocculate the organic matter and particles in the water, make the water clear and increase the transparency. Red water, black water, rust water caused by water quality mutation can also play a very good improvement.

7, reduce the pH value of the water and stabilize the water quality

For water body with high pH value, pH value can be reduced rapidly and play a role of stabilizing pH value.

8. Improve base heat

The problem of heating at the bottom can be solved by applying potassium persulphate compound salt to the aged and heated pond, and the harmful substances at the bottom can be brought to the surface for decomposition.

Three, the use of potassium persulfate compound salt skills

1. Change to black water and red water

Pond "turn water" occur frequently in the summer, is the pond water suddenly change from green to black or red, color of soy sauce, after turn water can be used first potassium hydrogen sulfate, the second day use clear water detoxification agent (aha), amino acid fat, weather conditions can be used at the same time bacillus, general situation in the first 3 days of water can change, slowly turn green, if feel a little change, 3 days again with clear water detoxification. Turn if the pond water in the fish of the floating head happened at the same time, start the aerator fish nor gravitates towards the aerator, toxic algae in water body that discharge poison made an impact on fish, serious can cause fish death, at this time can use large amounts of water first detoxification and acidity type water diversion stress prevention products, then used potassium hydrogen sulfate, the reuse water detoxification and amino acid cream fat.

2. Oil film treatment

Due to the aging and death of algae in the pond water, a thin oil film will form on the water surface, and some farmers will mistake it for cyanobacteria or green algae. Cyanobacteria and green algae are photogenic and sink at night and float on the surface during the day, but the oil film stays on the surface and is sticky. When there is a large amount of oil film on the water surface, potassium persulphate water can be used to directly sprinkle on the oil film, generally two days can effectively remove the oil film.

3. Treatment of pool bottom fever

Summer evening will see the appearance of water vapor on the surface of the pond, which is mainly the surface of the pond heating, the appearance of water vapor indicates that the next morning fish to float, can be applied in the evening potassium persulphate tablets, so on the one hand can improve the pond bottom heat, on the other hand can effectively prevent fish float.

4. Pond treatment after killing algae

After the use of copper sulfate or alginate, the death of algae will produce a large number of toxins, poisoning or even death of fish, shrimp and crab. On the second day after the use of these drugs, potassium persulfate can be used to detoxify the water body, so as to effectively reduce the toxic reaction of fish.

Potassium persulphate is a good water modification and water diversion product, but it should be used in a reasonable dose. Excessive use can also deteriorate the water body, affecting fish, shrimp and crab.

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Aotool(Kaifeng) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd

Plant Location: No.1 Fengxian Street, Kaifeng Fine Chemical Industry Cluster District, Kaifeng, Henan, China

Mob  +86-18916721671

Email: pmps@pmps.cn

Shanghai-based subsidiary of Aotool Environmental Technology Co., Ltd:

Shanghai Jiemao Co., ltd (international business)

Rm 1020, Bldg 4, No. 5000, Gonghexin Road,Shanghai,200443, China.

PIC:    Jinyu Liang

Tel :   + 86-21-56466700/57604688   

Mob:  +86-13361825331

Email: jiemao_liang@163.com


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