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Potassium Monopersulfate Compound Level--Standard

Potassium Monopersulfate Compound Level--Standard
Traffic : 466
Edit time : 2020-09-26
Detailed introduction

Product molecular formula, molecular weight, structural formula


Potassium persulfate is a kind of inorganic acid oxidant, and potassium potassium persulfate compound and potassium monopersulfate trivalent salt peroxide single sulfate, Oxone, potassium monopersulfate compound, potassium monopersulfate triple salt or potassium peroxymonopersulfate. Abbreviation: PMPS or KMPS. Nevertheless, it is the basic active component of the functional chemical Oxone, Caroat, ZA200/100 and Basolan2448.


Molecular formula: 2KHSO5•KHSO4•K2SO4


Molecular weight: 614.7


CAS No. 70693-62-8


IMG_262 Main physicochemical properties and technical data sheet


Physical properties: free flowing white powdery solid, easily soluble in water, water solubility greater than 250g/L at 20℃ (68OF). Bulk density 1.1-1.5.


Chemical properties: the active substance of potassium persulfate compound salt is potassium persulfate KHSO5 (or potassium persulfate). With very strong and effective non-chlorine oxidation capacity, the use and treatment process meets the safety and environmental requirements, so it is widely used in industrial production and consumption fields. Generally, it is relatively stable under the state, and decomposition reaction is easy to occur when the temperature is higher than 65℃. Relatively active, easy to participate in a variety of chemical reactions, can be used as an oxidant, bleach, catalyst, disinfectant, etching agent, etc.


The main quality and technical data are as follows:



he index data

 Reactive oxygen species%


 Active ingredients(KHSO5)%:


 Packing densityg/cm3


 Moisture % :


 Particle size:

 Through us screening#20,% 100  

 Through us screening#200,% ≤8  

   PH value (25°C) 1% aqueous solution


 3% aqueous solution:


 Solubility (20°C) G /L:


 Stability, monthly loss of reactive oxygen species % :


 Standard potential (E°) V:


 Thermal conductivity, W/m



The above chemical characteristics are based on our typical analysis, and detailed indicators are subject to the factory analysis report.

Solubility in water

Temperature ℃


G /L in the dissolved state

Reactive oxygen species wt %





















Typical application cases

In the field of organic synthesis, PMPS can react with many organic substances in aqueous or solvent-aqueous solutions, for example,

• Phenols were oxidized to quinones and cycloketones to lactones by Elbus persulfate oxidation.

• PMPS aqueous solution can oxidize toluene to benzoic acid and diphenylmethane to diphenyl ketone. In the reaction, the reaction mixture must be stirred and heated backflow, because the water layer and the organic layer are insoluble.

• Pyridine can be oxidized to pyridine N oxide by PMPS mixed with glacial acetic acid, and primary aryl amine is oxidized to nitroso compound.

• Co-heating of PMPS with NaCl or NaBr can convert toluene into halogenated toluene, which is a very typical reaction. Compared with traditional persulphates, its oxidation efficiency is higher, the process is milder, the yield and quality are better.

• Under certain solvent conditions, olefins are oxidized to glycerol or glycerol ester, cyclohexene is preferentially oxidized to trans-cyclohexadiol, and epoxides are not precipitated in the PMPS/ olefins reaction system.

An example of the reaction of PMPS with olefins

Studies and literatures show that PMPS give rise to Chiral sensors in the study of asymmetric epoxidation of olefin organic catalysis. PMPS can be used as in situ reaction oxidants and catalysts to give rise to Chiral catalysts, such as Chiral imines and Chiral ketones. These are important basic oxidants to give rise to some Chiral sensors. This is because the oxidation potential of PMPS is just right.

Compared with transition metal complex catalysts, PMPS do not contain transition metals, especially heavy metals. Therefore, PMPS have important application value for many drugs.

• Initiator of polymerization reaction

Some radical initiated polymerization reactions can use PMPS as initiators, for example, polymerization of vinyl acetate, ethyl acrylate, and acrylonitrile. PMPS can also be used as initiators for polymerization of vinyl monomers. (Gansu Chemical Industry 2001, 3rd Issue, Pakiatan Journal Science, 1980,32,3-4,201)

This property can also be used in wastewater treatment containing polymers as an effective component of special flocculants. For example, building materials factories containing acrylic acid sewage treatment.

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Contact us

Aotool(Kaifeng) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd

Plant Location: No.1 Fengxian Street, Kaifeng Fine Chemical Industry Cluster District, Kaifeng, Henan, China

Mob  +86-18916721671

Email: pmps@pmps.cn

Shanghai-based subsidiary of Aotool Environmental Technology Co., Ltd:

Shanghai Jiemao Co., ltd (international business)

Rm 1020, Bldg 4, No. 5000, Gonghexin Road,Shanghai,200443, China.

PIC:    Jinyu Liang

Tel :   + 86-21-56466700/57604688   

Mob:  +86-13361825331

Email: jiemao_liang@163.com


Website: www.pmps.cn

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